Benefits of Basil Plants, Leaves Typical Indonesian Salad

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Who does not know the basil plant? The leaves are very popular companion also be used as a food supplement food for those who love fresh vegetables. It is a small taste of the leaves is very typical. The aroma is also unique and memapu add flavor food. As a flavor enhancer, basil commonly cooked with ingredients spiced soup and also materials. Meanwhile, as fresh vegetables, bright green leaves are generally consumed with cucumber slices, sliced ​​cabbage and bean sprouts. Basil is also very delicious when pulverized together with chili and lime. For the Sundanese, plus fresh vegetables such as mandatory menu at the dinner table. Meanwhile, the people of Thailand, basil is a complement to a variety of soups, including the famous Tom Yam. You are a fan of basil? Did you know that in addition to a delicious taste and unique, it turns out the benefits of basil leaves are also quite diverse. Curious? Consider the following description.

Basil is actually a hybrid that is classified antarjenis basil namely Ocmum americanum and also Ocinum Basilicum. Basil is also known by the scientific name of Ocimum Basilicum Var. Anisatum Benth. Typical fragrances basil stems from citrate compound which exists primarily on the flowers and leaves. Not only essential, basil leaves also contain a number of important compounds include: compounds 1-8 cineol, arigin substance, Anethole compounds, flavonoids substances, boron, stigmasterolnya, eugenol, beta-carotene, magnesium, tryptophan substances, and many others. Thanks to this complex compounds so that the benefits of basil leaves become so complex. Anything?

The benefits of basil leaves that have been recognized both medically and has been proven many communities as follows:
Treat tinea versicolor, is easy enough. Take a handful of basil leaves and wash, then puree. Give a little water and then mix whiting and apply on the skin of the affected skin fungus. Should be done twice a day.
Treating thrush, do take enough basil leaves approximately 50 pieces and wash thoroughly. Furthermore chewing the leaves approximately two to three minutes. After a smooth, has the basil leaves and immediately drink warm water. For maximum results, do a maximum of 3 times a day.
Expel nausea too cold. Quite easy, first dried basil leaves and then brewed like tea. The basil tea drinking water twice a day and your body dalah will recover from nausea and flu strain came.
Overcome bad breath dreadful. Way, take basil leaves, seeds are also roots. Clean and then brewed with hot water. The steeping water can you add the brown sugar or honey. The drinking water in every morning before the activity.
Overcome premature ejaculation in men. The disorder is quite disturbing especially for those who crave descent. With basil you can overcome it. The trick, boiled leaves of basil to taste with two glasses of water for approximately 15 minutes. Then drink the cooking water twice each ½ cup. This herb can cause basil enrich man rich in compounds 1-8 cineol and argininnya substances can improve sperm quality. This herb is also said to be shed of gas in the stomach, launch period, eliminate the heat in, facilitate breastfeeding and many others.
Other benefits of basil leaves is to relieve abdominal bloating too cold. The trick, basil leaves boiled with onion which is then mixed with coconut oil. The potion immediately applied to the abdomen that feels bloated.
Other benefits of basil leaves is a natural bacteria fighter that can ward off diseases caused by viruses basillus subtilis, Salmonella paratyph also Proteus vulgaris.

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Tips dan Cara Updated at: March 22, 2015

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