One-horned rhino, Javan rhino, Endangered Species Typical in Ujung Kulon

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If in the forests of Sumatra there Sumatran rhinoceros possess distinctive characteristic of his hairy, then in Java there are also endangered species in the form of one-horned rhinoceros or rhino that the Javan rhinoceros. These animals fall into the category of the most endangered species because their numbers are probably stay 50's tail only in Ujung Kulon National Park. Including endangered animals. The number of one-horned rhinoceros found in Ujung Kulon national park area decreases rapidly and feared becoming extinct. The main factor that leads to reduced animal populations are:

The amount of food is reduced
The change of habitat
Increased poaching
Many natural predators

Javan rhinoceros) has the Latin name Rhinoceros sondaicus. This one-horned rhinoceros in the list of protected animals in Indonesia because its existence is endangered. Only a very few left in Ujung Kulon which is their current shelter. The Government has been trying to protect these wild animals, but it seems hunt of people who are not responsible to continue so that the population continues to be worrying.
One-Horned Rhinoceros
The fewer the number of Javan rhino, estimated that only about 50 animals were alive. The original habitat of one-horned rhinos in Ujung Kulon National Park is threatened by drought and active volcanic activity that natural disasters feared could damage the ecosystems that exist in Ujung main Kulon.Faktor reduced Javan rhino population is poaching for its horn, a problem that also attacks all species of rhinoceros. Rhino horn into commodity trading in China for 2,000 years is used as a medicine to traditional Chinese medicine.
Historically the skin is used to make armor Chinese army and local tribes in Vietnam believed that the skin can be used as an antidote for snake venom. Because a live rhinoceros covers many areas of poverty, it is difficult for people not to kill animals that can be sold at high prices. When the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora was first enacted in 1975, the Javan rhino is inserted into the protection Appendix 1: all international trade is considered ilegal.Survey products Javan rhinoceros rhino horn black market have determined that Asian rhinoceros has a price of $ 30,000 per kilogram, three times the price of rhino horn of Africa.
The phenomenon of habitat destruction and competition between rhinoceros space with banteng (Bos javanicus) become a major threat to the survival of Javan rhinos in Ujung Kulon. "In addition, the existence of such a dominant plant invasion Arenga spp are also a threat to the Javan rhino.
Rare animal rhinoceros are herbivores and eat a variety of plant species, especially buds, twigs, young leaves and fallen fruit. Most of the plants favored by this species grows in areas exposed to the sun: the clearing of forests, shrubs and other vegetation types with no large trees. Rhino dropping young trees to reach food and take it to the upper lip to hold. Javan rhinos are the most able to adapt eater of all rhino species. Rhino estimated eat 50 kg of food per day. Such as the Sumatran rhino, rhino species requires salt to food. General licks does not exist in Ujung Kulon, but the Java rhinoceros seen drinking sea water for the same nutritional needs.
Javan Rhino is quiet with the exception of animals when they breed and if a host raising children. Sometimes they will be clustered in small groups in the search for mineral and mud. Wallow in the mud is a common trait of all the rhinos to maintain body temperature and helps prevent diseases and parasites. The rhino did not dig its own mud puddles and prefer to use other animal puddles or holes that arise naturally, which will use its horn to enlarge. Licks are also very important as nutrition for the rhino is received from the salt. Wilayahi males larger than females to males 12-20 km² large area and female area estimated 3-14 km². Male territory larger than the territory of women. It is unknown whether there is a territorial battle.
Males mark their territories with piles of dirt and urine splashes. Scratches are made by feet on the ground and rolls young trees are also used for communication. Members rhino species have a peculiar habit of defecating in massive rhino dung piles and then scraping their hind legs on the dirt. Sumatra and Java rhino when defecating in piles, do not scratch. Adaptation of this nature known in ecology; The rain forests of Java and Sumatra, this method may not be useful for spreading odors.

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Tips dan Cara Updated at: June 19, 2015

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